Solar Lightning Systems

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Solar Lightning Systems

Solar Lightning Systems

Sun Star Solar Lighting System harnesses the sun's energy to light up your home and power your small appliances. With benefits that extend both to your wallet and to the environment, Sun Star Solar Home Lighting System is not just a 'brilliant' idea; it is a 'responsible' one.
Providing illumination powered from the sun's renewable energy, the solar cells in the system convert the sun's energy directly to electricity. This electricity is stored in the battery and used for lighting whenever required.


Economical: Since the sun provides energy free of charge, you enjoy 30% power savings on your electricity bills and a longer back up lighting system at zero running cost.

Non-Polluting: Powered by the sun's renewable energy, the system is energy neutral and an absolutely clean source of illumination. 1kwp solar installation reduces 1⁄2 ton of CO2 (carbon dioxide) per annum.

No Maintenance: The system has few moveable parts – reducing the risk of breakage. Once installed, it lasts for long time and requires little attention.

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